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    home>> product
    Finish Product
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    Fruit/Vegetable powder
    Plant Feed Additive
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    Classified by function
    ·Loss Weight
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     Green Coffee Bean Extract

    Botanical source: Coffea Arabica L
    Main Ingredient:Chlorogenic acid
    Specification:  Chlorogenic acid 25%, 30%, 45%, 50%, 60%, 98%; tested by HPLC Total Chlorogenic acids 45%, 50%, 70%; tested by HPLC
    Molecular formula: C16H18O9
    Molecular weight: 354.31
    CAS No.: 327-97-9
    Melting point: 205-209°C
    Solubility: Good solubility in water
    Appearance: Fine crystal powder
    Color: White

    1. Chlorogenic acid, long known as an antioxidant with potential anti-cancer activity, also slows the release of glucose into bloodstream after a meal.
    2. Act as an effective painkiller especially for migraine medications;
    3. Reduce the risk of diabetes;
    4.Assist the body to burn at higher proportion of lipids-fats compared to carbohydrates, which could help with muscle fatigue for athletes and bodybuilders.

    Hagen Biotechnology Co.,Ltd     Phone:0086-731-88395305
    FAX1:0086-731-88809325 FAX2:0086-731-88707125~8666
    ADD:International Enterprise Center,No.188,Middle Huanbao RD, Changsha,Hunan,China.

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