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    home>> product
    Finish Product
    Hot products
    Fruit/Vegetable powder
    Plant Feed Additive
    Extracts for Cosmetics
    Classified by function
    ·Loss Weight
    ·For Liver
    ·For cardiovascular
    ·Women Health
    ·Cosmetics Ingredient
    ·Eye Care
    ·Immune Enhancing

     Gingko Biloba Extract

    Botanical Name: Gingko Biloba L.
    Part of the plant used: Leaf
    Appearance: Yellow brown Fine powder
    Active Ingredient: Flavone, Lactone
    Flavonoides/Lactone 24%/3%
    Flavonoides/Lactone 24%/6%
    Flavonoides/Lactone 24%/6%; Ginkgolic acid less than 5ppm
    Flavonoides/Lactone 24%/6%; Ginkgolic acid less than 1ppm
    1. Dilated blood vessels, vascular endothelial protection organizations;
    2. Regulating blood lipids;
    3. Protect low-density lipoprotein;
    4. Improved blood rheology;
    5. Inhibit PAF (platelet activating factor), the inhibition of thromboxane formation;
    6. Improve memory;
    7. Scavenging free radicals;
    8. Anti-hypoxia;
    9. Prevention artery spasm. 

    Hagen Biotechnology Co.,Ltd     Phone:0086-731-88395305
    FAX1:0086-731-88809325 FAX2:0086-731-88707125~8666
    ADD:International Enterprise Center,No.188,Middle Huanbao RD, Changsha,Hunan,China.

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